Fortissimi Una|Stronger Together

Upcoming Events
Between the CaRMS
This pioneering series from ITPO seeks to help you manage and use your time between one match to the other wisely, to increase your chances.
After the CaRMS
This pioneering series from ITPO shows that ITPO stays with you throughout the route to licensure and beyond! Learn from those gone before!
Besides the CaRMS
This pioneering series from ITPO explores alternative routes to licensure without going through CaRMS such as the PRA, PER, the Academic route and more.
Before the CaRMS- NAC and QE1
These webinars give smart preparation tips for the NAC and QE1 exams. You can join at anytime and see recordings of past sessions.
Cracking the CaRMS
This pioneering series from ITPO seeks to get advice to ITPs from fellow matched ITPs about how they can succeed at a CaRMS match! Including CV, letter review & interview prep!