In March 2022, The Centre Excellence Research Chair in Migration and Integration (CERC Migration) at Toronto Metropolitan University ( formally known as Ryerson University) released a policy brief discussing the wasted talent of Internationally Trained Physicians (ITPs) in Canada.
The " Globally Trained Local Talent: Opening pathways for internationally educated professionals to strengthen Ontario’s health care system" puts forward that:
Ontario has long replied on the internationally educated health professional and benefitted from their experiences and skills.
However, according to Statistics Canada, nearly hald (47%) of immigrants who recieved their health care education in other countries are underutilized.
Their proposed solutions are:
"Removing barriers related to immigration status by facilitating pathways to Permanent residence:
Allocating more spaces to Ontario’s provincially nominee program,
Targeting health professions in federal economic immigration programs such as the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot or the Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot.
Fair, accessible, coherent systems of assessment and training leading to registration of qualified professionals;
Practice-ready assessment programs, as an alternative path to registration urgently needed in Ontario
Enhancing employment opportunities and equitable access to employment in inclusive work environments at levels consistent with their skills and experience.
Strengthen links between employers and community organizations to assist employers to gain access to internationally educated professionals when filling health care positions via bridging programs, settlement and employment services and professional associations
To read the full policy brief:
Summarized by: Dr. Prachi Patel (PAR committee volunteer)
